About Us
恩返し (ongaeshi) n. An attempt to repay an unrequitable obligation or kindness; Acknowledgement of a bond that can never be broken; Recognition that one is forever indebted; Dedication of oneself to another.
Cultures in Dialogue was born out of the experience of being nurtured by two entirely different cultures, that of the U.S. and Japan, and equally out of the desire to repay those two unrequitable kindnesses. In attempting to pay back that debt, we pay forward to communities, businesses and individuals.
Interactions between two cultures lie not in the field of chemistry but of physics. What takes place is not merely a synthesis, a chemical reaction where both reagents fuse to produce a singular result, but much more like the addition of two sound waves which yields four results: each wave continues singly; combined, they form something greater and when in opposite direction, both seem to disappear through cancellation. Interaction between two cultures is honestly not the negation of either; culture is not a thing to be erased or supplanted. The gentle hand of culture continues to live through us, regardless of whether we acknowledge its power or not. We only need to learn to accept it, deal with it and not succumb to it.
Diversity unlocks potential; Harmony produces success.
Contact Us
Phone: (803) 487-0297
1280 Marydale Lane
Rock Hill, SC 29732
Serving the Tri-State Area of SC, NC & GA
Anthony R. Black
Intercultural Consultant, Founder
Drawing on over 20 years personal and professional experience, living, working and studying abroad in Japan, a committed educator who seeks to foster intercultural awareness and competence in individuals, businesses and communities as his primary goal. Earned a B.A. and M.A. in Intellectual History at Boston University from the honors program, then completed a second Masters at Kyushu University in Ethics, studying Japanese culture through early Buddhist works in classical Japanese. Completed Ph.D. course work at Kyushu University in the Department of Indian Philosophy & Buddhist Studies, specializing in Dōgen. Taught in Japanese and English at various universities and junior colleges throughout Japan. Skilled at design, development and implementation such as material production, course design, project development, recruitment, relocation orientation, negotiation and mentoring. Studied Japanese culture both ancient and modern and continues to improve his competence through various interests such as kendō, matsuri, washi and Japanese ceramics. Aims to empower others to leverage difference and bridge gaps in communication across cultures especially between the U.S. and Japan.